For today’s blog post, we had the privilege of speaking with the author of an exciting new Christian book that is coming out within the next month or two. The book is called Forged in HIS Fire - Obedience to Freedom, and its author, Natasha Shaw, says it is written for people who are tired of following a path that never quite gets them to their destination instead of the path that will, which is Jesus. She says it is for Christians who are coming to know Jesus for the first time and also those coming back to HIM after falling away.
Presence of the Holy Spirit

Shaw states that Forged in HIS Fire was written through guidance by the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit is ready for something to happen, HE will make it known to her and things will happen quickly. Shaw is quick to acknowledge that her life does not belong to her, but to the LORD. She says it always has, and she means that because God tested it. Shaw says that when he took everything away from her, multiple times, she told him that he could take everything away and she would still praise him. Following is an excerpt from Shaw’s social media post about Forged in HIS Fire, “On December 26th 2022, I heard you, Father, say, “My daughter it's time to write all that I have taught you, I will guide you.” I said, “Okay Father, lead me and I will write it.” On December 28th, 2022 (two days later), HE brought to me a 40 year Best Seller Book editor and 30 year Pastor that spreads the Gospel all over, a publisher and a whole team for marketing, production, digital art and distribution when it’s finished. And, on December 30th, 2022, I signed my contract with the publishing company!” As you read through the pages of this book, Shaw says the Holy Spirit of God will speak to you, and you will experience revelation, clarity and insight into your current life situation. She says you will gain wisdom that will help you with your own walk with Christ at whatever point of the journey you are on.
Walking Through Fire
Shaw says the Holy Spirit inspired her to write Forged in HIS Fire after she spent years walking through the fire with HIM. She states that she has faced many trials and demonic attacks from the enemy throughout her life which have been a part of forming her into the person she is now. She says you will learn more about the battles she has faced in the fire when you read this book, which is a testimony of her journey with the Holy Spirit through the fire, as well as a guide sent to others with love. As Shaw notes, “The LORD’S and my book explains everything. The book goes into how HE disciplined, taught me to hunger HIS word, HIS presence and obedience. HE made me live out fully, carrying my cross and surrendering to HIS will HE had for me. How, HE revealed to me, who I was to HIM, why I had to go through the brutal battles and why I had to train to have a backbone of steel.”
Glorifying God
Although Shaw has lived through some brutal battles that many people might try to keep hidden, she states that everything in her life has been to glorify God. The good things, the bad, and even the mistakes she has made. When talking to her, she will tell you that she is not ashamed of any occurrence in her life and carries no spirit of offense toward any question she might be asked. When writing this book, Shaw says she spent time in “the secret place,” gaining which Bible verses God wanted her to use and what exactly HE wanted her to teach. She states that the Secret Place actually comes from the Bible and is spoken of in the books of David and Psalms.
The Secret Place

Shaw says the secret place is made up of two parts which connect. The first part of the Secret Place is the heart. Shaw states that the heart has to do with posturing ourselves before the throne. This means asking the LORD to empty us of all of us, dying of our flesh, and asking the LORD to take back what is HIS. To go to the secret place, Shaw says that when we wake up, we must surrender our day to the LORD and acknowledge that the day does not belong to us, but to the LORD. Any time a negative or sinful thought enters our mind, we should immediately catch it, humble ourselves before the LORD and ask for forgiveness and to be brought back into the obedience of the LORD. She will speak more about this in Forged in HIS Fire. The second part of the secret place, Shaw states, is where we must actually go to spend time with God the Father. It can be on a walk, at a lake, in a closet, in the kitchen, or anywhere that we want to go to spend time alone with God and meditate on his word and pray, just as Jesus did. In the secret place we can pray, praise, and speak with the LORD. If you ask Shaw, she will tell you that what makes something a prayer is not just the way or order in which words are said, but that prayer is more about speaking, just speaking, to God. Shaw says that when we go to the secret place and talk to God, it is important that we write things down in a journal, because the still small voice of God starts with a thought which will get louder and louder as we hunger and chase after HIM. She says some people will have the blessing of hearing an audible voice, while others will continue to hear him louder through the still small voice. Shaw says she will talk more in depth about the secret place, prayer and journaling in her book.
The Role of Religion
When asked about a religious affiliation, Shaw stated that she has none. She said that she was raised by a family of Christians and has been to many churches of various denominations, and she has felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in each one. When speaking of religion, Shaw references Matthew 6:33 from the Bible, which tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. She distinguishes herself as a part of the body of Christ over having an association with any particular religion. Shaw reminds us that, as Christians, we are all a part of the body of Christ.
Dedicated to Christ
Shaw says she was dedicated to Christ as a baby and accepted him into her heart when she was 8 years old, so she has been chasing after the LORD her entire life. She says, however, that it wasn’t until about 7 years ago that she realized being a true follower of Christ means doing what Jesus asks of us. In so doing, Shaw reminds us that we must first be willing to lose or give up everything, take up our cross, and walk with HIM through the fire. She believes that just going to church on Sundays and not seeking closeness and guidance from the Holy Spirit during the rest of the week is not what HIS intention for us is. In referencing Forged in HIS Fire, Shaw states, “We must be willing to do the spiritual work necessary for true growth, and take a hard look, deep within ourselves, in order to face and conquer our own darkness; it isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires courage. We must humble ourselves and acknowledge where we have been wrong so that we can move forward on the narrow path.”
Appointed Prophet to the Nations

If you visit Shaw’s social media profile, you will notice that “Appointed Prophet to the Nations” appears to be listed as her title. However, Shaw states this is not her “title” per se, but a reference to the lifestyle she lives. She gives reference to the Bible and says that she had an encounter with God, the Holy Spirit and angels as well. Shaw says you will read more about it in her book where she goes more in depth. During the encounter, she says the LORD spoke Jeremiah 1 over her, which, in part, is about the LORD telling Jeremiah to go forth and speak to the nations on his behalf. Shaw says she has written more about this reference and the lifestyle she speaks of in Forged in HIS Fire.
The Kingdom Age
Shaw believes that we are coming into what she calls the “Kingdom Age,” and during this time she and many other Christians will play very important roles in which they will need to take up their cross and put on the Armor of God. She says that the Kingdom Age is one in which the body of Christ comes together and stands boldly for the truth. She says the body of Christ coming together to stand up and fight for the truth is how the Holy Spirit is going to flood the nations with revival. When speaking about her own role in the Kingdom Age, Shaw states, “HE showed me what part HE has for me to play and how HE will always get the glory, in anything I ever do! I don’t and won’t move until HE tells me to, nor will I post, speak, or even message someone, until HE has given me the okay and permission to.” Shaw says that the words from HIM she will release, won’t be tainted by other people's words, opinions and or her flesh. They will be HIM, directly speaking and praying through her, over all the Nations.
Key Concepts
In closing our interview, we asked Shaw what key concept she would like people to take away from reading Forged in HIS Fire - Obedience to Freedom. She told us that there is not just a single concept, but two main concepts that she would like people to remember from this book. The first is obedience. The second is freedom, and she says the two are interconnected. To explain this, Shaw says that the only way we will even get an opportunity to become obedient is to trust and have a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit. She says that once we become obedient, we will find freedom. What differentiates this book the Holy Spirit wrote through her from other books, Shaw states, is that it emphasizes the fact that we must acknowledge and come into a relationship with the Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit can get to work and create an obedient heart in us. The obedient heart is what leads to freedom.
More About Natasha Shaw

Shaw has also released a series of poems and prayers via social media and says that Forged in HIS Fire will not be the last of her writings. If you would like to read her poems, you will find them via her Instagram profile @dovesfire23. She has also recently released prophetic prayers that you can find on her YouTube channel.
If you would like to view or hear more of Shaw's videos or writing, check out her links here:Dovesfire Ministry | Instagram, TikTok | Linktree
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